If you need help reviewing Tail Recursion, take a look at these resources:
Each question has a "Toggle Solution" button -- click it to reveal that question's solution.
Conceptual Questions
Which of the following Scheme functions are tail recursive?
(define (one x y)
(if (or (= x 0) (= y 0) (= x y))
(if (< x y)
(one x (- y x))
(if (> x y)
(one (- x y) y)))))
(define (two x)
(if (or (= x 0) (= x 1))
(+ (two (- x 1)) (two (- x 2)))))
(define (three n curr next)
(if (= n 0)
(three (- n 1) next (+ curr next))))
(define (four n total)
(cond ((= n 0) 0)
((even? n) (four (- n 1) total))
(else (four (- n 2) (+ total n)))))
: tail recursivetwo
: not tail recursivethree
: tail recursivefour
: technically tail recursive, but loops forever (so it's stuck, but efficiently so)
Code-Writing questions
Question 1
Write a function map
that is tail recursive. It should take in a list
and a function fn
, and apply the function onto every element in
the list.
(define (map fn lst)
scm> (map (lambda (x) (* x x)) '(1 2 3 4))
(1 4 9 16)
You should use a helper function. Also, the built-in append
which concatenates two lists together, should prove useful.
(define (map fn lst)
(define (map-help lst so-far)
(if (null? lst)
(map-help (cdr lst)
(append so-far (list (fn (car lst)))))))
(map-help lst nil))
Question 2
Write a function filter
that is tail recursive. It should take in a
list lst
and a function pred
, and keep only the elements in the
list that satisfy the predicate.
(define (filter pred lst)
scm> (filter even? '(1 2 3 4))
(2 4)
Hint: You should use a helper. Also, the built-in append
function, which concatenates two lists together, should prove useful.
(define (filter pred lst)
(define (filter-help lst so-far)
(cond ((null? lst) so-far)
((pred (car lst))
(filter-help (cdr lst)
(append so-far (list (car lst)))))
(else (filter-help (cdr lst) so-far))))
(filter-help lst nil))
Question 3
Write a function insert
that is tail recursive. It should take in a
list lst
, an item
, and an index
, and insert the item
into the
list at the given index
(define (insert lst item index)
scm> (insert '(1 2 3 4) 100 2)
(1 2 100 3 4)
scm> (insert nil 10 4)
You should use a helper. Also, the built-in append
function, which
concatenates two lists together, should prove useful.
(define (insert lst item index)
(define (insert-help lst index so-far)
(if (or (null? lst) (= index 0))
(append so-far
(cons item lst))
(insert-help (cdr lst)
(- index 1)
(append so-far (list (car lst))))))
(insert-help lst index nil))
Question 4
Write a function remove
that is tail recursive. It should take in a
list lst
and an item
, and remove the first occurence of item
the list. If item
item doesn't occur, just return the original list.
(define (remove lst item)
scm> (remove '(1 2 3 4) 3))
(1 2 4)
scm> (remove '(1 3 5) 6)
(1 3 5)
scm> (remove nil 100)
Hint: You should use a helper. Also, the built-in append
function, which concatenates two lists together, should prove useful.
(define (remove lst item)
(define (remove-help lst so-far)
(cond ((null? lst) so-far)
((eq? (car lst) item) (append so-far (cdr lst)))
(else (remove-help (cdr lst)
(append so-far (list (car lst)))))))
(remove-help lst nil))
Question 5
Write a function pop
that is tail recursive. It should take in a list
and an index
, and remove the item in the list at the given
. If the index is out of bounds, just return the original list.
(define (pop lst index)
scm> (pop '(1 2 3 4) 2))
(1 2 4)
scm> (pop '(1 3 5) 2)
(1 3)
scm> (pop nil 8)
Hint: You should use a helper. Also, the built-in append
function, which concatenates two lists together, should prove useful.
(define (pop lst index)
(define (pop-help lst index so-far)
(cond ((null? lst) so-far)
((= index 0) (append so-far (cdr lst)))
(else (pop-help (cdr lst)
(- index 1)
(append so-far (list (car lst)))))))
(pop-help lst index nil))