Tail Recursion: exam-level questions

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Conceptual Questions

Which of the following Scheme functions are tail recursive?

(define (one x y)
    (if (or (= x 0) (= y 0) (= x y))
        (if (< x y)
            (one x (- y x))
            (if (> x y)
                (one (- x y) y)))))

(define (two x)
    (if (or (= x 0) (= x 1))
        (+ (two (- x 1)) (two (- x 2)))))

(define (three n curr next)
    (if (= n 0)
        (three (- n 1) next (+ curr next))))

(define (four n total)
    (cond ((= n 0) 0)
          ((even? n) (four (- n 1) total))
          (else (four (- n 2) (+ total n)))))
  1. one: tail recursive
  2. two: not tail recursive
  3. three: tail recursive
  4. four: technically tail recursive, but loops forever (so it's stuck, but efficiently so)

Code-Writing questions

Question 1

Write a function map that is tail recursive. It should take in a list lst and a function fn, and apply the function onto every element in the list.

(define (map fn lst)

scm> (map (lambda (x) (* x x)) '(1 2 3 4))
(1 4 9 16)

You should use a helper function. Also, the built-in append function, which concatenates two lists together, should prove useful.

(define (map fn lst)
    (define (map-help lst so-far)
        (if (null? lst)
            (map-help (cdr lst)
                      (append so-far (list (fn (car lst)))))))
    (map-help lst nil))

Question 2

Write a function filter that is tail recursive. It should take in a list lst and a function pred, and keep only the elements in the list that satisfy the predicate.

(define (filter pred lst)

scm> (filter even? '(1 2 3 4))
(2 4)

Hint: You should use a helper. Also, the built-in append function, which concatenates two lists together, should prove useful.

(define (filter pred lst)
    (define (filter-help lst so-far)
        (cond ((null? lst) so-far)
              ((pred (car lst))
                    (filter-help (cdr lst)
                                 (append so-far (list (car lst)))))
              (else (filter-help (cdr lst) so-far))))
    (filter-help lst nil))

Question 3

Write a function insert that is tail recursive. It should take in a list lst, an item, and an index, and insert the item into the list at the given index.

(define (insert lst item index)

scm> (insert '(1 2 3 4) 100 2)
(1 2 100 3 4)
scm> (insert nil 10 4)

You should use a helper. Also, the built-in append function, which concatenates two lists together, should prove useful.

(define (insert lst item index)
    (define (insert-help lst index so-far)
        (if (or (null? lst) (= index 0))
            (append so-far
                    (cons item lst))
            (insert-help (cdr lst)
                         (- index 1)
                         (append so-far (list (car lst))))))
    (insert-help lst index nil))

Question 4

Write a function remove that is tail recursive. It should take in a list lst and an item, and remove the first occurence of item in the list. If item item doesn't occur, just return the original list.

(define (remove lst item)

scm> (remove '(1 2 3 4) 3))
(1 2 4)
scm> (remove '(1 3 5) 6)
(1 3 5)
scm> (remove nil 100)

Hint: You should use a helper. Also, the built-in append function, which concatenates two lists together, should prove useful.

(define (remove lst item)
    (define (remove-help lst so-far)
        (cond ((null? lst) so-far)
              ((eq? (car lst) item) (append so-far (cdr lst)))
              (else (remove-help (cdr lst)
                                 (append so-far (list (car lst)))))))
    (remove-help lst nil))

Question 5

Write a function pop that is tail recursive. It should take in a list lst and an index, and remove the item in the list at the given index. If the index is out of bounds, just return the original list.

(define (pop lst index)

scm> (pop '(1 2 3 4) 2))
(1 2 4)
scm> (pop '(1 3 5) 2)
(1 3)
scm> (pop nil 8)

Hint: You should use a helper. Also, the built-in append function, which concatenates two lists together, should prove useful.

(define (pop lst index)
    (define (pop-help lst index so-far)
        (cond ((null? lst) so-far)
              ((= index 0) (append so-far (cdr lst)))
              (else (pop-help (cdr lst)
                              (- index 1)
                              (append so-far (list (car lst)))))))
    (pop-help lst index nil))