Scheme: exam-level questions

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What would Scheme print

Question 1

For the following questions, write the value that the expression evaluates to if you type it into scm. If the expression contains a function (or multiple), write "FUNCTION" in place of that function. If the expression causes an error, write "ERROR".

scm> (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 (cons 4 nil))))
scm> (cons (cons (cons 3 2) 1) (cons 4 nil))
scm> (cdr (cons (cdr (list 1 2)) (cons 3 (cons 4 nil))))
scm> (define lst (cons (lambda (x) (cons x x)) nil))
scm> ((car lst) lst)
scm> (define (x) (lambda (x) (list x x)))
scm> (((car ((x) x))) 4)

Code-Writing questions

Question 2

Implement a function count-stairways, which takes a number n as an argument. Assuming you can only take 2 or 3 steps at a time, return the number of ways you can reach the top of a staircase with n stairs.

This is different than the usual count-stairways — notice that this time, we can only take 2 or 3 steps, rather than 1 or 2.

(define (count-stairways n)

; Tests
scm> (count-stairways 1)
scm> (count-stairways 4)
scm> (count-stairways 5)
scm> (count-stairways 8)
(define (count-stairways n)
    (cond ((= n 1) 0)
          ((or (= n 2) (= n 3)) 1)
          (else (+ (count-stairways (- n 2))
                   (count-stairways (- n 3))))))

Question 3

Implement a function count-serpinski, which takes a numbero depth as an argument. The function calculates how many triangles are contained in a Serpinski's triangle with the given depth. See the tests for examples.

Serpinski's triangle

How can you use recursive calls on n-1 to build your answer for n?

(define (count-serpinski depth)

; Tests
scm> (count-serpinski 1)
scm> (count-serpinski 2)
scm> (count-stairways 3)
scm> (count-stairways 4)
(define (count-serpinski n)
    (if (= n 1)
        (+ 2 (* 3 (count-serpinski (- n 1))))))

The recursive call can be derived as follows:

  1. There are three smaller n-1 serpinski triangles at each of the corners
  2. There are two additional triangles drawn — the triangle in the center, and the overall triangle.

Fill-in the blank questions

Fill in the blanks for the construct function. It takes a value and a list of lists as arguments. It returns a new list of lists, where each element is a list from the old list, but with the value added to the front.

(define (construct value lists)
    (if ______
        (cons _____________

; Tests
scm> (define lists '((10) () (4 3) (2 5 3)))
scm> (construct 6 lists)
((6 1) (6) (6 4 3) (6 2 5 3))
scm> (construct 6 '())
(define (construct value lists)
    (if (null? lists)
        (cons (cons value (car lists))
              (construct value (cdr lists)))))