Logic: basic-level questions

If you need help reviewing Logic, take a look at these resources:

We will be using the Logic interpreter, which you can get here. You can run the Logic interpreter from your terminal with:

python3 logic

You can load a .logic file with

python3 logic -load file.logic

Alternatively, you can use the online Logic interpreter

Each question has a "Toggle Solution" button -- click it to reveal that question's solution.

Conceptual Questions

Question 1

Explain the difference between declarative programming and imperative programming.

Imperative programming is a programming paradigm where a sequence of instructions tells the computer what to do (Python is one such imperative programming language. Declarative programming is a programming paradigm where a set of constraints (e.g. facts) are given to the computer, and the computer decides what to do in order to solve a given problem (Logic is one such declarative programming language.

Question 2

Describe the difference between a fact and a query in the Logic language.

A fact declares a certain relation to be true (i.e. once the fact is declared, the specified relation is, by definition, true). A query is a question that asks if a specified relation is true. Here is a simple example of facts and queries:

logic> (fact (> 3 2))
logic> (query (> 3 2))
logic> (fact (> 2 3))  ; false in real life, but here it's declared true!
logic> (query (> 2 3))

Question 3

Describe the difference between a simple fact and a compound fact in the Logic language.

A simple fact has only one clause. The syntax looks like this:

(fact (________))

A compound fact is still a fact (it declares a relation to be true), but it is composed of a conclusion and hypotheses. The conlusion comes first, followed by the hypotheses. Think of it as a fact whose truth depends on the truth of smaller facts. The syntax looks like this:

(fact (___conclusion___)

What would Logic print?

Question 4

Assume the following facts have been loaded into the Logic interpreter:

(fact (married lucille george-sr))
(fact (married lindsay tobias))

(fact (parent lucille gob))
(fact (parent george-sr gob))
(fact (parent lucille michael))
(fact (parent george-sr michael))
(fact (parent lucille buster))
(fact (parent oscar buster))
(fact (parent lucille lindsay))
(fact (parent lucille annyong))

(fact (parent michael george-michael))
(fact (parent lindsay maeby))
(fact (parent tobias maeby))
(fact (parent gob steve))

(fact (sibling ?s1 ?s2)
      (parent ?p1 ?s1)
      (parent ?p1 ?s2))

(fact (uncle-or-aunt ?u ?c)
      (parent ?p ?c)
      (sibling ?u ?p))
logic> (query (parent lucille michael))
logic> (query (parent george-sr buster))
logic> (query (parent ?who gob))
logic> (query (parent lucille ?who))
logic> (query (uncle-or-aunt buster ?who))

Code-Writing question

Question 5

Write a fact or set of facts for the first relation, which checks if a given item is the first element in a given list.

(fact (first ; YOUR CODE HERE

; Tests
logic> (query (first 3 (3 2 1)))
logic> (query (first 2 (3 2 1)))
logic> (query (first ?what (1 2 3)))
what: 1

Hint: Conceptually, how would you check if a list begins with an item? Is the process recursive?

(fact (first ?f (?f . ?r)))

Question 6

Write a fact or set of facts for the rest-with relation, which checks if a given item is the rest (in the Rlist sense) of a list.

(fact (rest ; YOUR CODE HERE

; Tests
logic> (query (rest (2 3) (1 2 3)))
logic> (query (rest (3 2) (3 2 1)))
logic> (query (rest ?what (1 3 2)))
what: (3 2)
(fact (rest ?r (?f . ?r)))

Question 7

Write a fact or set of facts for the cons relation, which checks if a given first and rest can cons together (in the Scheme sense) to form a given list.

(fact (cons ; YOUR CODE HERE

; Tests
logic> (query (cons 1 (2 3) (1 2 3)))
logic> (query (cons (3 2) 1 (3 2 1)))
logic> (query (cons 3 ?what (3 1 2)))
what: (1 2)
logic> (query (cons ?what (1 2) (3 1 2)))
what: 3
(fact (cons ?f ?r (?f . ?r)))

Question 8

Write a fact or set of facts for the contains relation, which checks if a given list contains a given item.

(fact (contains ; YOUR CODE HERE

; Tests
logic> (query (contains (2 1 3) 1))
logic> (query (contains (4 2 3) 5))
logic> (query (contains (3 4 2) ?what))
what: 3
what: 4
what: 2

Hint: Conceptually, how would you check if a list contains an item? Is this process recursive?

(fact (contains (?item . ?r) ?item)) (fact (contains (?not-item . ?r) ?item)

  (contains ?r ?item))