Interpreters: exam-level questions

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Conceptual Questions

Question 1

Given the following Scheme expressions, what would scheme_read from Project 4 return? If the parser would raise an error, write ERROR.

> (+ 2 3)
> '(1 2 3)
> (1 . 2)
> 3
> (1 . (3 2))
> ('hi . 3 4)

Question 2

Given each of the following Pair objects, determine how many times scheme_eval and scheme_apply are called (not calc_eval and calc_apply!). Be sure to include the first scheme_eval. The first one has been done for you.

Note: assume that the following double function has been defined:

(define (double x) (+ x x))

Don't include the calls to scheme_eval and scheme_apply for the code above in your answers.

(+ 2 3)
; eval  4   (1 for whole expression, 1 for each element in list)
; apply 1   ('+' is primitive)

; eval  ________
; apply ________

(+ 3 (+ 5 2))
; eval  ________
; apply ________

(double 4)
; eval  ________
; apply ________

(double (double 4))
; eval  ________
; apply ________
; eval  1
; apply 0

(+ 3 (+ 5 2))
; eval  7
; apply 2

(double 4)
; eval  7
; apply 2

(double (double 4))
; eval  13
; apply 4

Code-Writing question

Question 3

Write a function is_pyramid that takes in a list of tokens, and checks if the list of tokens forms a pyramid. A pyramid is a list that is symmetric in shape (not necessarily the contents), and each list can only have one nested list at its level. The following are examples of valid pyramids:

(3 4 (5 (1) 3) 2 3)
(1 2 3 4)           # no nested lists is okay
(1 (2 () 3) 4)      # empty lists are okay
(1 (2) 3) )()       # junk, )(), after a valid pyramid is okay
(1 () 2) s d fs     # junk after a valid pyramid is okay

The following are examples of invalid pyramids:

(2 (3) 4 5)     # too many elements on the right side
((3) (4))       # too many nested lists on the first level
(3 4            # missing closing parenthesis

Given the examples above, implement the is_pyramid function:

def is_pyramid(tokens):
    """Returns true if the list of tokens begins with a valid
    pyramid. Junk at the end is okay.

    >>> t1 = ['(', 3, '(', 4, ')', 5, ')']  # (3 (4) 5)
    >>> is_pyramid(t1)
    >>> t2 = ['(', '(', '(', ')', ')', ')'] # ((()))
    >>> is_pyramid(t2)
    >>> t3 = ['(', 3, '(', 2, 3, ')', 4, ')', 3, 4] # (3 (2 3) 4) 3 4
    >>> is_pyramid(t3)
    >>> f1 = ['(', 2, '(', 3, ')', 4, 5, ')'] # (2 (3) 4 5)
    >>> is_pyramid(f1)
    >>> f2 = ['(', '(', 3, ')', '(', 4, ')', ')'] # ((3) (4))
    >>> is_pyramid(f2)
    >>> f3 = ['(', 3, 4] # (3 4
    >>> is_pyramid(f3)
    if not tokens or tokens[0] != '(':
        return False
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
def is_pyramid(tokens):
    if not tokens or tokens[0] != '(':
        return False
    count, direction = 0, 1
    while tokens and tokens[0] != ')':
        if direction == -1 and count == 0:
            return False
        elif tokens[0] == '(':
            if direction == -1 or not is_pyramid(tokens):
                return False
                direction = -1
            count += direction
    if not tokens:
        return False
        return direction == 1 or count == 0

Explanation: The base case that is provided checks that the tokens begin with an '('. If it doesn't, then we immediately know that it is not a pyramid. We then remove the '('.

First, let's write code that simply goes through each element and removes it from the list of tokens. The word each indicates that we need some looping structure, so we'll use a while look. Our while loop should stop if we reach the end of the list of tokens, or if we see a ')':

def is_pyramid(tokens):
    if not tokens or tokens[0] != '(':
        return False
    while tokens and tokens[0] != ')':
        if tokens[0] == '(':
            # handle case for nested lists
            # handle case for numbers

How do we handle a nested list? Simply make a recursive call; if the nested list is not a valid pyramid, the recursive call will return False. The recursive call has the additional benefit of removing the nested list, including its closing parenthesis:

if tokens[0] == '(':
    if not is_pyramid(tokens):
        return False

How do we handle a number? Simply remove it from the list of tokens:


What happens if we break out of our while loop? There are two scenarios: 1) if we run out of tokens, and 2) if the first token is a ')'. If we run out of tokens, we should return False, because that means we never saw the corresponding ')'. If the first token is a ')', then we successfully closed the list and we can just pop it off and return True:

while tokens and tokens[0] != ')':
if not tokens:
    return False
    return True

At this point, our code looks like this:

def is_pyramid(tokens):
    if not tokens or tokens[0] != '(':
        return False
    while tokens and tokens != ')':
        if tokens[0] == '(':
            if not is_pyramid(tokens):
                return False
    if not tokens:
        return False
        return True

This looks promising, but it doesn't account for the symmetry of the list. Here's the idea. We'll keep track of two variables: 1) a count, which counts the number of elements before the nested list, and then checks that the number of elements after the nested list matches; 2) a direction, that tells us whether we're before the nested list or after it:

count, direction = 0, 1
while tokens and tokens[0] != ')':

We'll use the convention that, when direction is 1, we are incrementing our count, and when direction is -1, we are decrementing our count.

Now, let's go in the while loop. If tokens[0] == '(' (meaning we see a nested list), this tells us that we've reached our midpoint, and we should begin decrementing count after this:

if tokens[0] == '(':
    if not is_pyramid(tokens):
        return False
        direction = -1

In addition, if our direction is already -1 (meaning we've already seen a nested list), and we see another nested list, this breaks our definition of a pyramid, so we should return False (e.g. the case ((3) (4))):

if tokens[0] == '(':
    if direction == -1 or not is_pyramid(tokens):
        return False
        direction = -1

What about the case of regular numbers? In addition to removing the token, we also need to update our count. If direction is 1, we should increment; if it is -1 (i.e. we've seen a nested list already), we should decrement:

    count += direction

We need one other case inside the while loop; what happens if we see (3 (4) 5 6)? There are too many elements on the right side! Walk through the code we have right now, and you'll notice that when we reach the 6, count will be 0, and direction will be -1. This is the red flag we look for to tell us to return False:

while tokens and tokens[0] != ')':
    if direction == -1 and count == 0:
        return False
    if tokens[0] == '(':

Almost done! At the end, we need to update the case where tokens is not empty. Consider this example: (3 4 () 3). The right side contains too few elements. How can we tell? count will be nonzero! Instead of just returning True, we add the additional check on count:

if not tokens:
    return False
    return direction == 1 or count == 0

Overall, our code looks like this:

def is_pyramid(tokens):
    if not tokens or tokens[0] != '(':
        return False
    count, direction = 0, 1
    while tokens and tokens[0] != ')':
        if direction == -1 and count == 0:
            return False
        elif tokens[0] == '(':
            if direction == -1 or not is_pyramid(tokens):
                return False
                direction = -1
            count += direction
    if not tokens:
        return False
        return direction == 1 or count == 0