Dictionaries: exam-level questions

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Code-Writing questions

Question 1

Implement a function stem_and_leaf, which takes a sorted list of integers and a multiple of 10 called leaf_max. stem_and_leaf will create a stem-and-leaf plot where the leaves are numbers less than the leaf_max (e.g. if leaf_max == 100, the leaves must all be less than 100: 34, 1, and 99 are valid leaves, but 100 and 101 are not). stem_and_leaf should return a dictionary, where the keys are stems and values are lists of leaves. For example:

stem_and_leaf([7, 31, 365, 365, 3650], 100)

would create the following dictionary:

    0: [7, 31],
    3: [65, 65],
    36: [50],

Fill in the following implementation:

def stem_and_leaf(lst, leaf_max):
    """Returns a dictionary representing a stem-and-leaf plot."""
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
def stem_and_leaf(lst, leaf_unit):
    plot = {}
    for num in lst:
        stem, leaf = num // leaf_unit, num % leaf_unit
        if stem not in plot:
            plot[stem] = []
    return plot

Question 2

Implement a function one_to_one, which takes a dictionary d and returns True if every value in d only has one corresponding key. See the doctests for more details.

def one_to_one(d):
    """Returns True if D represents a one-to-one mapping of keys
    to values.

    >>> d = {'a': 4, 'b': 5, 'c': 3}
    >>> one_to_one(d)
    >>> fail = {'a': 2, 'b': 4, 'c': 2}
    >>> one_to_one(fail)
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
def one_to_one(d):
    seen = set()
    for value in d.values():
        if value in seen:
            return False
    return True

Question 3

The TAs have started a social networking site called Bookface. Bookface users are recorded in a Python dictionary, where the keys are usernames and values are lists of friends. Here is an example:

users = {
    'Robert': ['Brian', 'Mark'],
    'Mark': ['Eric', 'Brian', 'Robert'],
    'Brian': ['Eric', 'Mark', 'Robert'],
    'Eric': ['Mark', 'Brian'],
    'Albert': []

One of the features of Bookface calculates the degrees of separation between two users. For example, there is one (1) degree of separation between Robert and Mark, because they are direct friends; there are two (2) degrees of separation between Robert and Eric (Robert - Mark - Eric); and there is an infinite degree of separation between Albert and everyone else, since he has no friends.

Help the TAs implement the function degrees, which calculates the degree of separation between two users. See the docstring for more details.

def degrees(users, start, end, visited):
    """Finds the degree of separation between START and END. If
    START and END are not connected, return infinity: float('inf').

    users   -- dictionary; keys are users, values are friends lists
    start   -- starting user
    end     -- ending user
    visited -- a Python set of users we've already checked
    if ______:
        return 0
    smallest = float('inf')     # infinity
    for friend in ______:
        if ______:
            friend_degree = degrees(______)
            smallest = _______
    return smallest
def degrees(users, start, end, visited):
    if start == end:
        return 0
    smallest = float('inf')     # infinity
    for friend in users[start]:
        if friend not in visited:
            friend_degree = degrees(users, friend, end, visited)
            smallest = min(smallest, friend_degree + 1)
    return smallest